Bea and Socks – DeVaux Farms

I have had the pleasure of watching this beautiful girl grow up from age 3 – age 8!  Her love of animals is such a wonderful thing to witness.  It has been fun to watch her meet and start to form a bond with her newest animal love…  “Socks”!  The trust that a rider develops with their mount is an incredible relationship and finding the perfect fit for a  younger child is so important.  Bea has found something special with this gorgeous pony!  

We had a wonderful time taking photos at DeVaux Farms in Berryville, Virginia.  Equine portraits are so much fun because they are always so unpredictable…  From the challenge of perking ears to the “no grass until later” comments, we always have a lot of laughs.   With Bea’s fun-loving personality we were sure to capture some great moments.  My favorite images are when we were laughing over Sock’s tongue sticking out of her mouth.  Bea’s incredible laughing smile really shines in these images.  

I am so grateful to be able to be surrounded by so many people that have an incredible love for animals.  Much of my time is spent at the barn with my own daughters and I am so aware of the importance of the relationship between a human and their animal.   The confidence that is developed when learning to trust an animal is incredible to witness.  I have enjoyed watching Bea grow into a confident young girl as she follows her love for animals!  I am excited to continue to see her blossom as she travels along her inevitable equestrian journey!